Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday Update

Got the fertilization report today. Out of 8 eggs retrieved, 6 were mature and 2 fertilized. If those 2 keep up the good work, we will transfer on Sunday. I'm nervous. I had 2 that fertilized in my last cycle and one of them arrested, or stopped growing (i.e. died) before making it to transfer, thus leaving me with one embryo at transfer. Of course, that cycle ended in a negative pregnancy test, I'm trying to push those thoughts out of my mind and keep my eye on the ball with this current cycle.

I'm hopeful, but cautious.

At times, I feel as though I'm standing on a train track watching a train coming toward me, unable to get out of the way. It's a nightmare in slow motion, I see disaster approaching yet I'm unable to get out of it's path. Then my thoughts usually turn toward optimism as I remind myself that I had two good eggs in my batch of 6. Thirty-three percent fertilization is a respectable number. So, I get happy, light-hearted, looking ahead- only to see the train approaching again. I feel certain I will, one day, look back on my cycles or this blog and wonder how I got through it. Kind of like the way I look back at junior high- how the heck did I get out of there alive and sane?

The nurse will call me tomorrow and tell me how the little ones are doing. I'll do my best to check back in and give an update.

Thanks for being there.


Anonymous said...

L.,I hope that you are taking care of yourself this weekend preparing your uterus to be a good home for those embryos! Fly away from those train tracks and find a nice cozy place (maybe with some chocolate?).

Lassie said...

Thanks Jill, I'm going out to lunch today, I think I will have some chocolate- since you gave me permission :) L.