Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm PUPO! (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise)

It was a great morning.
We transferred 2 embryos.
An 8 cell and a 5 cell.

An 8 cell is as good as it gets for a day 3 transfer. Embryos can be fragmented but still viable, my two were not fragmented at all. DH and I are very pleased and feel as though we've leapt a large hurdle. Our last ivf left us with one 4 cell to transfer. After that, we feared we were simply unable to create normal embryos. Today's result has calmed our fears. There are many hurdles ahead of us, implantation being the most vexing, but what happened today has renewed our hope.

Now, my plan is to relax on the couch for the remainder of the day. The only drawback is Lifetime is showing reruns. Heck, I'm feeling so good today I'd watch ESPN (okay, I take that back, I'm happy, not crazy.)

Thank you all for your support, will check back in soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! Danielle thats awesome! We are thinking of you over here and praying the little guys (or gals) stick around.